A staff of knowledgeable guides work with the bochur, the parents, and the machanech to help navigate the process, weighing the pros and cons of each prospective Yeshiva Ketaneh choice against the unique strengths and attributes of the individual talmid, as well as his family background and affiliation.

A website with detailed info on the many professional agencies, organizations, therapists, mentors, and educational experts available in different fields, providing easy and anonymous access to trusted professionals for parents, rabbonim, mechanchim and others.

Hashkafa &
Psychological Training
This specially developed course for menahalim and mechanchim is given in collaboration with renowned psychologists, social workers, chinuch experts and others, to help our mechanchim better identify, understand, navigate and accommodate many of the challenges facing bochurim in the contemporary world of today.

Lack of funds for clothing and accessories can be a devastating source of shame, particularly for a teenager struggling with social acceptance amongst peers. The Keren Halbasha Wardrobe Assistance program will provide generous grants for clothing

Geared to the growing number of cheder graduates with emotional, behavioral or educational diagnoses such as OCD, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, etc. this division is staffed by a group of six professional counselors and therapists with experience in professional diagnosis and referral. Under their guidance special-needs students are either integrated into a standard classroom or referred to the most suitable specialty options available.

Often acceptance in the appropriate Yeshiva will be contingent on a bochur’s arranging their own accommodations. Lack of funds for this can result in not getting accepted in an appropriate Yeshiva. The Accommodations projects provides grants to help subsidize room and board for bochurim in dire financial need.

Tutoring &
Tutoring and mentoring for bochurim and parents to keep them up to par with the classroom progress.

As is well known, lack of proper supervision during the Bein Hazmanim break can have a devastating effect on a bochur’s spiritual status and overall development. One key achievement of this initiative has been the arrangement and oversight of Kosher phones for bochurim during Bein Hazmanim.