A Direct Channel Of Giving
To A Broad Array Of Causes

Channeling the maximum benefits directly to its intended recipients
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Mifalos Chayim V'Chesed

Over the past 25 years, the name Reb Zelig Mendelowitz has become a one-man legend in the world of tzedakah and chesed.

Mifalos Chayim V'Chesed represents the broad spectrum of causes born out of Reb Zelig's care and concern for struggling families, needy individuals and challenged youths, covering virtually every facet of Jewish life.
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our projects


Yom Tov Chalukahs

Bringing the Joy of Yom Tov to Thousands of Struggling Families

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Bread & Milk Distributions

Critical Daily Sustenance for Children

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Ezer L'Yeshivos

Ezer L'Yeshivos

A Critical Lifeline for Struggling Teenagers

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Individual Aid Projects

Individual Aid Projects

So Many Needs.
So Many Ways to Help.

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Reb Zelig Mendelowitz has become a one-man legend in the world of tzedakah & chesed.
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annual budget

annual budget

families helped

families helped




Thank you for my new Pesach dress

"I tried on the dress in the store, but Mommy said we didn't have the money for it. Then, the Chayim V'Chesed envelope arrived in the mail. I saw Mommy's eyes well up with tears as soon as we noticed in the mailbox. Thank you for my new Pesach dress!"


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